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We are reflecting on the first year in the wonderful new Orion building!


Special Experiences for all our 1300 fantastic children across the federation in 2014/2015


  • World Smile Day
  • World Peace Day
  • MacMillan fundraiser
  • Our History week
  • Autumn Fest
  • Infant Music Festival
  • Children in Need
  • Trips to the theatre, museums etc
  • Y6 Paris 2015
  • Y6 France 2015
  • End of term shows – Goldbeaters
  • Starlight Festival - Orion
  • Mayor planting memorial snowdrops
  • Boost with a Juice Day
  • Art for your Heart Day
  • Voice in a Million – Wembley
  • Word Up Fest – 60 days
  • Handwriting Day
  • Maths and Science Day
  • Holocaust Day
  • Fun at Work Day
  • Orion Birthday
  • Football Champions U11 Orion
  • World Cancer Day
  • My Favourite book Day
  • Safer Internet Day
  • Doodle Day
  • Poetry Slam
  • Spring School
  • Saturday School
  • World Book day
  • Barnet Dance Fest
  • Barnet Music Festival
  • Red Nose Day
  • Sing Up Festival (Gold)
  • Spring Flowers Day
  • Andrew Travers visit
  • RAF Orion contribution to new exhibition
  • Yellow Pencil Day
  • Spring Celebration Day
  • Ocean Day
  • Doughnut Day
  • Shakespeare Festival
  • Go Fest  2015
  • Race for Life
  • Go Gala  2015

BIG NEWS! Our Ofsted results!


Watch this space - we'll post the link to the report when it is available to read.



2015 Theme

Go Posh and bring in some dosh


Wear Cool Clothes

Show Red Nose manners!

Staff at Orion are making posh cakes and staff at Goldbeaters are making posh biscuits!
Our Word Up 60-day Literary Festival is still running! Check below for what's on...

Orion Even Smarter


Our corridors and central spaces now have many lovely pictures and pieces of art work. The aim is to show that there is exceptional learning happening at Orion. Please have a look!


Word Up Fest continues……


World Book Day – Thursday March 4 when children will receive a book token to spend.


Wizard of Oz week – Started last week, show on Tuesday


Dress Up Day – Friday March 6. Dress as character from the Wizard of Oz story


Dictionary Man – Friday March 6. Y5 and Y6 are coached by a very clever man who makes dictionary work really fun!


Authors Visits – Jean Ure, Dan Freedman, Shoo Raynor


Inter school Quiz – last week challenge against Goldbeaters


Other info:

  • Maths – your child will soon be using a times table practise method called The 99 Club.
  • The half term learning camp was a great success with lots and lots of amazing kids! We run this ourselves – staff are just fantastic.
  • Voice in a Million – Orion and Goldbeaters Choirs at Wembley Arena – March 11
  • Dance Festival – Orion and Goldbeaters dance team at Arts Depot – March 12
  • Orion Ambassadors in School – Author James Campbell and Artist Mark Weighton on March 26
  • Parents Evenings – Y1 – Y5 on Tuesday 24th and Wednesday 25th March
  • Red Nose Day Fundraiser – March 13

NEWSFLASH - We just won an award in The Pupil Premium Awards 2015! 

We were selected because we are two of the high achieving schools in the country in terms of the attainment and progress of our disadvantaged pupils since 2011!


Orion Showcases Outstanding Music Students

On Thursday 11 December parents enjoyed hearing over 17 performances in the Gold Star Theatre. The range of music being learnt at Orion is exceptional. We heard:

  • Violins
  • Brass
  • Rock Band
  • Guitar groups
  • Glee Chamber Groups
  • Pianists
  • Choral work from the singing  tutor group
  • Ukelele groups
  • The Choir
  • An original work from the Music Smart Group
  • Staff too

Many thanks to the music team and Miss Foskett.

Music has never been as good as this at Orion!


Children In Need

Many thanks to the whol community across the Federation. We raised over £1500. Staff did an amazing job in their project - staff go back to school.


Barnet Council’s Snowdrop Project at Orion


We welcomed The Mayor Councillor, Hugh Rayner, to the school on November 25th 2014.



To plant a snowdrop in memory of every one the 1.5 million children killed in the holocaust. The project is to help young people think about the holocaust.



Each year a school is chosen to receive and plant 2000 bulbs. The Mayor plants the first few. Bulbs planted so far: 37,000!


The Holocaust

The Holocaust (Shoah) was a unique event in 20th century history. It evolved slowly between 1933 and 1945. It began with discrimination; then the Jews were separated from their communities and persecuted; and finally they were treated as less than human beings and murdered.


During the Second World War the Nazis sought to murder the entire Jewish population of Europe and to destroy its culture. In 1941 there were about 11 million Jews living in Europe; by May 1945 the Nazis had murdered six million of them. One-and-a-half million of these were children.

We now call these events the Holocaust.


Whilst the Jews of Europe were the Nazis’ primary target, many millions of other people were also imprisoned, enslaved and murdered. These people included Roma, those with mental or physical disabilities, homosexuals, Jehovah's Witnesses, trade unionists, political opponents, Poles and Soviet prisoners of war.

The Nazis did not act alone. They were supported and assisted by people from within the countries they occupied across Europe. Most countries stood by while the Nazis and their accomplices carried out the mass murder of the Jewish people.


Find out more – be curious:

Children In Need Friday 14 Nov

Dress as a hero, sponsor the staff event, bring a packet of biscuits - it is a big event!

Staff go back to school - 100 staff are raising money this year by doing a 50 minute lesson. 50 challenges in 50 minutes in DT, literacy, maths, PE, Art. It is going to be fun. 


Half Term and Inset - starts Friday 24 Oct


Our History Week 20 Oct

My History (all the children), local history, cultural diversity, food, languages - lots of great themes. Wed 22 Oct - dress in your country's traditional costume. Nursery - Y2 bring a baked something from your country, Y3 - Y6 bring a grain dish!


Autumn Fest

Big Thanks for all the contributions and donations. Baskets of food went to lovely people you nominated and also so to our neighbours. We had a fantastic letter from a resident saying Orion children were lovely! 


Grand Opening of The Orion and Gold Star Centre - Sept 24

We welcome the Mayor and 50 guests to an incredible day. There will be a series of 6 launches through the morning. Look out for the balloon sculpture! Parents welcome 11.15.


Burnt Oak Festival

The joint choirs sung so well on Saturday 20 Sept! Thanks parents and staff.


Parents - take note!

Meet your child's new teacher...


Years 2,3,4 - Wednesday at 2.45pm in classrooms

Year 1,5 - Thursday at 2.45pm

Y6 meeting - Monday 15th September at 4.45pm

Orion Apollo - the new school name

We are in the new school. 3 tough weeks and little holiday but all is ready for children!

We hope to let you know about community courses etc during the summer term.


New Orion School and the New Gold Star Centre

We are very near to getting the building. It is Sunday 16 March and the sun is shining on an amazing new building. You should see the dance studio and the multi- surface pitches WOW!

We get the keys on the 27 March. There will be a visiting day on April 3. 


Galaxy Foundation

Our new organisation for ex pupils and staff has just been launched. See your school pages.


Uniform News

All children across the schools will have the new Federation logo on their sweatshirt from September. A big thumbs up to the BIG Gold Star Family!


Word Up Fest 2014

January 27th - end of March


  • We try to read as many books as we can in 60 days
  • We enter The Amazing Story Writing Competition - Radio 2
  • We complete a writing doodle book
  • We enjoy World Book Day
  • We get better at talking in our “Talk a Lot” sessions

